The Mother of All Kirkwood TR’s – 01/08/06
Below you will find a monster photo blog of one of the most enjoyable weekends at a little place called Kirkwood….
Music: Alec Empire – Terror Alert: High
The Outlaws: Hop, Kush, Ty, Pimpin Frog, Su Pu, Mrs. 666, Shugs, Brooks, Zippy, Jrosen32, AKA, a glimpse of Clack, myself, and others
The Locations: Thunder Bowl, West Shore, Eagle, Hells, Upper Cham (pics and/or video TBA), Skier’s left of Ski School, Opposite side of TeH Cave, Oops EP, Funnel, Norm’s, and the Top of the Wall just to name a few.
So grab a beer , turn on the beats
, and check out this uber fun fest:
The Prior Weekend:::::
It was a snowy drive on 88 near Caples Lake….
It snowed…
Mrs. 666 gets some of the pow pow….
Then it snowed…
And started to snow….harder…
Zippy off the side of Kodak:
Hop cowboying over the rocks off the WALL:
Hop airing off the side of Kodak…he’s just amazing:
Then Jrosen32 overtakes Mr. Hop’s leap of faith:
Jrosen32 slicing some of the fresh pow under the Cirque:
Jrosen32 with a straightline air in skier’s left of Oops EP (Dan’s Cliffs):
Zippy and Kush1 discussing the many options:
Zippy decides to create a line:
….and sticks it clean with his personalized Moment Skis:
Kush1 tests out his 2010 model Pistols:
SuPu decides to test some of the chalky stuff off Wagon Wheel:
….so he decided to test some more:
AKA and I manipulate everyone to hike up to Thunder Bowl:
….to ski this boring face:
….with some RADgnAR pitches to hit later in the year:
It looked like this before we dropped in….mmmmm, mmmmmm, BBQ Sauce?
Jrosen32 preaching to his inner peace:
…..while rockin’ out to some EL-P beats:
….hits forward on his Ipod to his "Hell Awaits" tunes while skiing past V-Tree:
Zippy on the summit – DFA Holiday mix in tow:
Eyeing his line choice:
OK, I’ll air this rock on the left and then straightline the whole god-damn thing:
Yep…why not?
puuuuurty view at Mach 12:
Kush1 taking his first turns down Thunder Bowl:
Mrs. 666 showing that the Gotamas can carve just fine on Sentinel:
Pimpin’ Frog going for an office-chair air off Wagon Wheel…INSANE!
Rollin’ Hard, Rollin’ Deep, EAGLE BOWL FOR LIFE…well at least on sunny mornings:
Zippy and I hit this air into a perfect windbuffed landing:
Zippy over the trees in lower Eagle:
And now for a quick hike into West Shore….a closeup of Cali-Chutes:
….looking down West Shore Chute propa’:
Jrosen32 enjoying the most consistent pitch at Kirkwood…er near Kirkwood:
…with one of these:
…another one….
…and decides to MILK IT:
With the younger sibling in tow…
..he decides to "dress to impress"…
with only one turn….
…and another:
…to test out his Moment Skis at Mach 234:
West Shore area…that gloppy snow did wonders up here. There’s more coverage in this thing now, than all of last year:
C’mom, your computer speakers can handle it:
More Alec Empire….this time ‘Night of violence’ from the Futurist album
As we roll next to the bottom of Chair 4’s infamous ice/pillow cliffs (temple of doom), Zippy zones in on his line:
…well executed mate!
Now for the shot of the weekend, the older brother steps it up!!!
Zippy airing out of Hells:
….3-2-1 dropping:
…oh is that a rock in the landing?
Some random dude in a hoodie points it after Zippy:
Hop….doing some….er…..maneuver under the Cirque:
Zippy then lines up a double off of Norm’s Nose…1….
y dos….
Jrosen32 testing out his edges….lower Norm’s:
…they held:
Mrs. 666 slays the chute above Ski School:
…am I a lucky man or what?
The Kush show commences to the skier’s left of ski school:
C’mon dude, just point it…it god damn perfect:
Seriously dude, point it!
I told you it was easy….
Kush rolls off the ice-knoll on the opposite side of the CaV3:
Historic town of Jackson…with Mt. Diablo in the background.
There you have it, two days of skiing with a super solid crew, a new Canon SD450 on continuous shot, and a very tired TR producer…..
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