OMG SNOW IN TAHOE (KW) LOL! – 12/08/07
December 8-9th, 2007 AD
KIRKWOOD (diesel powered and luv’n it)
The weather came to a halt on Saturday, and the temperature plummeted to 1 F (Hope Valley), which is pretty damn cold for California. Of course, on Sunday in South Lake, people started hitting the beaches when it warmed up to around 28 F.
Test Subjects:
666, Slim, Mrs. Slim,dblatto, DaveP, skiergirl, Zippy, Mrs Zippy, Jrosen, Jmetzler, and a brief Storm Day appearance.
Still picture creators:
666, dblatto, & Zippy
Joy Division – Love will tear us apart (classic newelectrowavestep)
Finally! Two feet of snow! Yay! Awesome! First stump-pow turns of the season!
But we need base building snow? Why? Because the Eastern wind will blow it away. And that’s exactly what happened on Saturday night.
Anyway, solid groomering on chair 5, pow turns underneath chair 6, and some cold temps.
Driving into Meyers…
Always a scenic drive when rolling on "Brian Boitano" tires…
Man, even the upper mountain is looking good! LOL, that snow blew away later that night….Ah shucks!
dblatto makes some low angle pow look fun…
Armpit deep near the bottom!!!!
Brain-deep on the way to the drain!
After dblatto schralped the pow, it was the rest of the crew’s turn. Dblatto wasn’t too thrilled…
666 gets lower-ear-lobe deep on Lookout Janek!
That’s weird…its snowing when its bluebird…
Jrosen loves skiing super deep pow pow…
Especially when his bases are dragging against the rare earth beneath him…
Jmetzler is back this season with his first elbow deep tree turn…
Slim is anti-pow skiing, so he decides to pop an ollie instead….
dblatto cried his heart out for one more pow turn…I folded and gave him this turn…
DaveP makes an appearance and gets MSPaint-deep! SICK!
But don’t forget Skiergirl….she’s shows everyone up with the cleanest form!
Zippy was screaming for pow. I told him that the closer we get to Oops the deeper it will be. I hate always being right.
Skiergirl again…milking the first storm of the season.
Slim gets really emotional when he skis shots like this….
The Apres-ski party was at Zippy’s. Deep subterranean beats, fantastic sweaters, and of course, some Voltron….
It didn’t take long for the See’s Candies to take effect…
Melee summons the beings….
And finally captures a picture to show the non-believers…
Casey of Moment Skis won the most awesome sweater award, but when Melee put on the dog’s sweater…it was time to leave.
….why not a shot of East Bowl at Heavenly at 1 AM? Melee should have hiked it but it was too cold to bring out his Kodak courage.
Sunday morning….a couple hours of groomers, and go home. Here is a pretty shot of Tallac on Sunday morning….
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