Lack of Deep Bass in the Sierras – 01/31/09
January 31st, 2009
Summary…it’s California.
666, Skimoore, Kush, Lph, S.P.C, Arty50, SuPu, Jrosen32, DaveP, Tyrone Shoelaces
01010101011010 pics:
666, Skimoore, SuPu, Tyrone Shoelaces (POV video)
Music: Ed Rush & Optical – Gas Mask – Virus Recordings
For people sunbathing in the Bay Area….YES, THERE IS SNOW IN THE MOUNTAINS!!!!!
Proof that the Earth moves while you sleep…..
Snow report —– 1/3 of an inch of frost….going to be SICK!
Cirque….has snow…but you are not allowed to ski it….
Carson Spur’s coverage….you know, cause I’ve got beta!
Early arrival…pay parking lot was extended to THE ENTIRE CORNICE LOT but I still managed first in line…
FOR GROOMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skimoore cleans his rusty edges…
He stopped off at Jiffy Lube on the way to the mountain…
Now, we’re getting creative….ha!
Jrosen32 finds Powder Ridge….
…and links it into the Fingers….
Supu….well….its Supu…
Jrosen32 finds a line in field of low frequency…
Supu on East Wind Collection Ridge…..
Near Chamoix, Skimoore points into hardpacked moguls…ouch!
Kush was in attendance….to hit up some steep but not deep in West Shore..
In the middle of this….needed to get a closer look…
From the top….awesome if a cupcake!
My iPhone was putting some deep grimey dubstep when I encountered this:
So we traversed out of sheer death…to this….Mr. Supu…
Skimoore increases the treble…
Jrosen32 gets hella’ cropped…..
Kush, on a pair of Comis…says Fuck It!
I followed and we found this….
Supu has an amazing gift. The ability to find the high notes in powder!
We traverse out and find Tyrone on top of the Temple of Doom…
And before that, Jrosen32 flashed the same line. WE EVEN HAVE VIDEO!!!!!!! Its 2009 damnit! Tyrone goes second…woah!
Skimoore finds a nice mid-level line…
Hit sub-basslines blasting over at Thunder Saddle, DaveP and I decide to flash a dangerous slope….
Skimoore finds untracked a full week after the last storm…
Figuring Thunderbowl’s coverage may be iffy at best, we had fun on Ski School….Jrosen gets steep!
…and he pushes the frequencies…
I had a good spot to watch the action…
Tyrone mimics Scott Schmidt…
Listening to an old Testament cassette, Arty50 ATTACKS!!!!
Kush gets lucky and earns the shot of the day!
Supu gets into the action as well…..but he’s a terrible skier
666 skis down dumb shit….
Skimoore points it down Oops EP…
Kush follows with bad form……
Tyrone carves up the East Wind Bowl off the Wall….
S.P.C. makes his premier TR appearance….
My day is now complete…yes….a Prius….with a heavenly sticker job…!
bye bye….
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