Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane

“Hall of The Gods” – Gnardical Tahoe BC – 04/18/06

Date: April 18th, 2006

Location: Hall of the Gods – Chutes above Angora Lakes and below Desolation Wilderness, Lake Tahoe, Northern California.

Players: 666, bcrider, mmcpheet, gimpy, buddy, Chris, and Chad.

Fuel: 7-eleven pre-made gourmet moldy ham y queso, coffee, 4 for 1 Gatorade deal (?), and water.

Synopsis: 5:30 am departure, great crew, NO WIND, BLUEBIRD, and well, some mid-winter untracked POW from the last dumpage…..could it be the last???? How many times has that question been asked? Gimpy says "at least a couple times a week." Big thanks for gimpy leading the charge and setting the skin-track.

Music: Photek – Knitevision

We started our journey with Pendulum screaming out of my cell phone at 4:45 am. We meet gimpy, buddy , and Chris at 5:30 am at the trailhead, and we are off.

Its so early that 666 is having a hard time figuring out to put on his skins…

Morning Light…

Chad takes his dawn patrol run to work…

Some Tahoe rock croppings…fun in alpine boots….

On our way to the top of Halls…

Lake Shasta….

Looking to the north, Round Top and Moon Crescent in the distance…

Angel something or other couloir….

Deslolation Wilderness has a couple lingering patches of snow….

bcrider assembles and straps in….

His line of choice…


gimpy points to Chris below….

Tele-Chris shows us why they call him AngoraMan…






bcrider tests out the snow…

…with his patented move…

which involves sliding his "one fat-ski."

Turnalicious Toeside….

Snow looks good…

The next chute over, Gimpy and Mmcpheet’s line…

Gimpy rolls onto the ridge…


He wished he had ice-skates on the crux…..

Mmcpheet gives it a whirl…

Buddy takes Chris’s line instead…

666 tests the stability…

Seems ok…


There goes his ACL….

…wait…he found it….

We then lapped an adjacent bowl…

Tons of lines…not enough energy

Bcrider’s summit ridge pointing steeze….

"yeah, uh huh, I’m stuck in traffic"

Buddy the Irondog…..

666 loves food from 7 eleven…

But he like the view even more!

As he almost falls to his death into Angora Lakes…Bcrider lends a hand:

Brought to you by the Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce…

Mmcpheet getting some…

666 lines one up…

bcrider wishing he was on skis….


666 gets a cold face…

Bcrider pulls a MUTE!

Into some untracked….

Gimpy ridin’….

Buddy Chargin’…

One of many "Shot of the Day"….

This guy must be addicted to POWDUR!

666 gets into the action…

Making minimal turns….

This guy just won’t quit!


Mmcpheet likes the snow as well…

Hey, are You haVing a GoOd time?

Mmcpheet getting bored….

Slabby Slab…

666 having a fun time..

thena traverses over to a air to straightline..

Pretty fun….

Looks like I wasted my earned vertical….

One more time fellas?

On aisle 7, we have some fun terrain.

666 down for his second run on Halls…..


Caples Lake…

bcrider making it look easy…


Mmcpheet thinks we made a great decision for our last lap…

Bcrider slaying the pow-corner…

Faceshot? Why not?

And another?

If I zoomed up, I’d bet he’s smiling…

666 in his badass yellow parka…


Untracked Insanity…

Mmcpheet doing the same…

Thirdly, we introduce bcrider…

The last pitch…

Mississippi River…

Fallen Leaf looking at Tallac…

bcrider and mmcpheet go for a feed…

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