Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Kirkwood done PROPA’ (Slash Chute Express) – 04/10/05

Kirkwood done PROPA’ (Slash Chute Express) – 04/10/05

I should rename this as the Zippy thread…you’ll see why later

Slim, Mrs Slim, and I leave TuPac’s neighborhood 7-Eleven at around 5:29 am….the roads are open. With a large "mountain roast", the Andre-the- Giant of cinamon rolls, Slim and I arguing about DIN settings, 3 hours of caffine-induced drum and bass, and snow down to 3,000 feet, we make it to Kirkwood at 8:41 am. Super stoked was Mrs. Slim who was about to "cap our asses" for our shear annoyance and bickering.

As expected….the lemmings are out. Leaping from their meth-labs of the central valley to hit, quite possibly, one of the last full-winter days. Cohee is claiming 20 inches new on top of 18 the day before with a 3,000 ft snow level. We immediately roll to Upper Cham, and then head to 10 to get some fresh pow. In line, we see Rune, Arty, and others. The rest of the day we see glimpses of Red_Pants, and LPH. On 10 we roll into Once is enough…BORING! Why? Because its so filled in, its ridiculous. Pretty much the only thing left on the mountain is big drop at the top of the ridges. All the lower rocks/lines are completely buried.

Slim, myself, and Zippy (non-TGR G33K) spent the day hitting Upper Cham (about 6 times), Thunder Saddle, high Eagle, Kodak, and Oops. Big props to Bass Master Slim for taking photos when my camera died.

Music: Skream – I

Zippy ollies all of Upper Cham:

He barely cleared it….


Zippy’s buddy relaxing on top:



Zippy airing into the "now completely buried" Oops:

From Slim’s angle:

Zippy into Wagon Wheel – "buried funnel area"

Zippy airing next to Waterfall…super stylieeeeeeeeee

…end of day one transmission…

Day two…with Mrs. 666 threatening divorce if we’re not back home by 6 pm, Slim and I rally and are skiing down Zach’s at 8:40 am. We meet up Lou. Yes, the guy who spent 3 hours looking for his Explosiv, gave up, then was found by patrol.

The Sanouks will carve contrary to popular belief:

The Wall – “so filled in right now”

Slim (taking the photo), Zippy, myself, Lou, and Pat at the top of Thunder Bowl:

Zippy rocking out to George Michael:

Some fluffy goodness…..Thunder bowl style:

Lou goes first…testing the stability:

Zippy and I roll over the skinny chute in dead center of the gnar…Both of us have never skied it, especially never straight-lined it. We were able to get into it pretty easily. There was a nice choke then about two feet wide the whole way down. Zippy was so amped to b-line this one, he went first:

The point where we let it run….you can see Slim way down there on the left.



The run out:

The line, is dead center in that chute…I have no idea what it’s called, but it was fucking rad:

We then hiked over to the Spur….and found this:

Pat did this…after complaining how tired he was from hiking, we gave him first tracks. Some profanities filled the air…he forgot about the hiking.

And Lou did this….

And then got some of this…

Zippy….true to form:

666 getting ready to smear:

Zippy airing from a spine into “lower Spur cliffs”:

Landing into pooooooooowder:

666 deciding to let it run…

The area…with bombholes:

View of the Spur from the road:

A Kirkwood front porch:

A killer day filled with new lines…and an enormously long TR: