“I had a Kirkwood Dream…” – 01/15/06
…I think I’m quoting words from MLK, on the day that memorializes his and 666’s first day on this earth, January 15th.
Words have been said before about this day….on with what you internet nerds want:
SATURDAY – ARTY and I ride Chair 6 all day…battery dies, cellphone shots were tried, screw it…we’ll just ride
Bluebird as all hell:
Skier’s left of Rabbits – filled in almost every run:
SUNDAY – AKA "The Day"
Carson Pass smokin’:
Shugs – first run under Chamois
Milkin’ it:
Hmmmm….this looks fluffy:
Its a family affair….Sister666 ditchin’ the board for skis:
Mrs. 666 getting after it:
Mrs. 666 past Rabbits:
….so fresh and …..so fresh:
Casey of M O M E N T….in Eagle Bowl:
Jrosen32 off of Kodak…..
…..with Brother Zippy in tow:
Skimoore makes an appearance through the trees:
The new M O M E N T protos – 160/136/150……..in a 185cm!!!!!!!
Zippy chargin’
Skimoore slayin…………..
Casey dropping into the Upper Chamoix straightline:
…with some speed….
Now its Jrosen32’s turn….
Quiver view:
And then MF DOOM…….
or is it Dr. Octagon?
….can’t tell, he’s going hella too fast….
170 FAT Kingswoods/193 Sanouks/185 HOLY SHIT THESE ARE HUGE
Zippy stuck skiing in the wrong direction….
….with some speed…good on ya’
Mrs. 666 tries skiing unswitch….
Casey – in the moment
…deja vu?
Mrs. 666 dropping into Wagon Wheel:
Zippy – across from the Cave