Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Kirkwood 2005-06

Kirkwood, Bluebird…No Wind….Kalifornyeah! – 03/08/06

Date: Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

Location: Kirkwood, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Sector 666

TR creation location: Asbury Park, New Jersey…editing @ Starbucks in Red Bank.

Players: Supu, 666, Pentium, JasonM, Lou, Kush…with rumors of AKA y Brooks.

Synopsis: Worst Day-trip commute EVER!

Music: Chemical Brothers – ‘It doesn’t matter’

With a break in this year’s Seattlish weather pattern, we decided to roll an infrequent day-trip from SF to KW. First text rolls in around 4:27 am from Supu that says he’s on his way to my leased garage spot. Soon thereafter, we pick up Pentium in Russian Hill, then mute grab JasonM near USF, so we can be officially on our way by 5:15 am. JasonM and Supu insist that I take the "back way" to which I’m a complete virgin (JONG). We make it to Antioch in record time, and then venture over to HWY 160….and that’s when we noticed helicopters flying overhead…head-on collision thirty cars ahead which means HWY 160 is now closed. Obviously, this is not a good sign when you’re on a desolate Delta two-lane highway, and especially on your way to a bluebird pow-day. So, quick decision was made to back-track to Hwy 4 to Stockton….through Brentwood and Oakley……where we hit every single red light on the road.

…but we saw this guy who posts on TGR….however, he only has 7 actual posts:

At around 9:30 am we finally make it to Carson Spur…

Its BLUEBIRD, no wind, and a storm approaching. The last couple of days produced another 30 inches or so. After cases of dynamite blown up on the Spur…..nothing slid. With fingers crossed, we were sure the BC gates would be open today as a gift for our 4 hour commute. NOPE. In which case we couldn’t hit this lame area…

First lap in the Outer Palisades…two skiers, one camera. JasonM providing the spray, Supu with da steeze:

Supu….horribly ill which is why he needed to take a sick day….

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……lucky shot…..half-a second before this, the camera was in my pocket….

666 in Pali…

The Wall and Once…

JasonM in High Eagle/Lower Cirque…

666 – Kodak…

Over to Tremans – Supu lines it up….


JasonM over Danger Cliffs….finds some glacier underneath:

666 in Danger Cliff area as well….

JMetzler finds another rockband to roll-off of below Danger…

Again, JasonM racking up the FF miles in Thunder Saddle….

666 – lower Thunder Saddle…

Supu looking for his keys…

JasonM milks the steep face down Sisters…

Kush airs into….well….a wall in Sisters…

Kush goes INSANO STRAIGHT AIR out of Sisters…

666 – tucked spread….enough said:

Kush….some fresh…

JasonM….finds some as well.

Marv Albert says……….

Photosluttage by none other than….

Kush rolls off some glacier to air on Dan’s Cliffs:

Lou rolls off some pow in Wagon Wheel….

Kush decides to get hecka-crazy….

and somehow lands on his feet…

Supu gets some late-in-the-day powpow in Lower Cirque…

Kush follows my lead skier’s left of Kodak…

….AND THEN….on HWY 24 approaching Oakland, we learn about ALL LANES BLOCKED on 101 South-bound. Which means the cars on the Bay Bridge have nowhere to go. Therefore, a gorgeous detour across the Richmond bridge, to the Golden Gate Bridge was on order…..YESSSSSSSS…and that was hour 5 on the way home.

All in all, 9 hours of driving, 5 hours of skiing. As for myself, a redeye flight to Jersey as a member of a wedding party. Why waste time sleeping?

Now just imagine the pics if our intended laps on West Shore, Thunder Bowl, and Carson Spur actually occurred…oh the horror!