Arctic Anomalies v. Adrenaline Addicts – 01/15/07
January 13th-15th, 2007
Ski playground that hasn’t had a huge storm since….well, last year:
Weather & Temp:
Our good pal Mr. Wind seems to like these parts this year, so he decided to return for most of the weekend being most heavy on Saturday morning. The temps ranging from a balmy -16 F in Hope Valley to 20F at its warmest stage. I guess the wind blew in an inch or two into some areas on Friday.
Members of Ski Club California:
BASOM!!!! just killing it!
666 racer steeze
skimoore sliding into home
Supu displaying his pride
Zippy rollin retro…
And Arty50, Mrs. 666, Shugs, JMetzler, Mrs. JMetzler, DaveP, Jrosen32, ridefree….
With no doubt, Sunday was the coldest day I have ever skied in the Sierras in my lifetime. Out of our group of 8 or so people, 5 were showing signs of frost bite. I know it sounds wierd, but this rarely happens. Down jackets were a must as a mid-layer and balaclavas were the fashion accessories of the day.
Even without any significant snowfall, we still managed to find the goods in an otherwise dissapointing start to the season. With Basom in town, it was time to give him some FUN SKIING! YAY!@!@!
Music Klaxons – ‘Golden Skans’ (Erol Alkan edit)
Day One:
This doesn’t happen too often at 6250 ft in California…
Basom did some uderwater laps before departing to Starbucks…
Upper lifts on windhold…and with single digits? Its going to be a RAD day!
So we decided to session the Waterfall area…Basom having FUN.
Supu dicing away at the horrible conditions in Tahoe…
Basom is a legendary skier. He can ski almost any black run…
He even does aerials…
But wait, the upper mountain OPENS to the next best thing to powder. That’s right. Untracked groomed!!!!!!!!
After a few steep groomers, we take Basom into Oops…
Yes, he skied it blindfolded…he’s that good.
So Zippy leaves his ski boots at home, and HAS to snowboard. Here he is near the fingers…
Did I mention Basom is on a pair of Moment Comis?
He says those skis like to go fast in any condition…
Zippy surfs down some protected windblown underneath the Wall chair…
…Basom follows suit.
Basom in another straightline off of Waterfall…funny that there seems to be moguls missing below.
Zippy…in the white room.
Eagle bowl was a callin’. Basom is having fun. He told me so.
Arty links up an air…
Supu carves on the Tahoe bluetooth…
I then decide its time for Basom to experience West Shore’s goodies…
Views toward Desolation Wilderness…
Good thing I know this area like a Starbucks in Omaha…
And then God himself drops in…
Wow, glorious perfection…not the skier, the rock formations.
Chalky memories ensued…
"I’m having FUN FUN FUN"…he yells.
Its Arty’s turn to slay the gnar…
Supu using the "sidecountry slalom technique" he learned in ski school in Australia way back when…
Basom, please don’t fall here…I don’t want to scrape your brains off the rocks, thanks.
Almost there mate…
Arty testing his str8line skillz to the limits…
Supu gets a different camera angle…
This is where he starts to cry like a baby…
You should have heard him. Next time I shoot chutes in video…
I detect a history of light breezes from the east….
Basom finds some refreshing snow…
And then Supu finds a deeper spot..
Basom in Thunder Saddle making himself look good…
Are we having FUN yet?
About two inches of fresh below was a nice surprise…
You call that a schmear Supu??????
A quick toss of the poles into Basom’s truck, and then so quickly, I’m owing him money…
Its my birthday, and I’m only doing one shot of Patron Silver…
…with a few more cocktails, Dreamcast and Virtual Tennis 2K2 Madne555 ensued…who needs PS3?
Supu drank all of those in 5 mins…he was in the emergency room until the lifts opened.
Day Two: Cold as BALLS!
Basom going straight…wow, what a surprise dude.
Boring..where’s all the ice you guys were talking about? That snow actually looks good.
Clouds rolled in and the temps plummeted…Zippy now on skis, tries to warm up in the Sisters.
Basom follows with a baguette sandwich…
Zippy soars into some firm moguls…
…and without hestitation, the Basom TR continues.
Maybe you should shed a layer dude….
Zippy took a few grainy pics. Jrosen32 sips some Champange…
What’s this? Where can I get a coat like this guy?
He followed us into Eagle Bowl….
…we all agreed he should become an instructor.
Zippy finds an early season pencil…
…which Basom steals and skips class.
Zippy gets bored and gets inverted…LAME!
skimoore finds a tree to leap over…
We had enough warmth to take-in one more lap on Cornice. The groomer below wasn’t looking to hot…
Zippy in the hidden Ski School chute…
Funtime? I like.
Basom thought it looked FUN, so he went next…
Across from the TEH CAV3, Zippy airs it out…
And Basom takes a committed turn…
Since the cameraman also hit every line in this TR, he’s not missing this one…
Day Three:
Hope Valley, 8:17am….my vehilce has NEVER hit this temp in California…NEVER!
Elephants and Carson Pass…
This is what happens when you don’t groom runs during global warming…
Funny though, just a few hundred feet away, JMetzler found this….
…and then down lower, skimoore found this…