Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Kirkwood 2008-09

LOL, it really did snow in Tahoe – 12/15/08


December 14-15th, 2008


Kirkwood Alpine Ski Mountain of Joy….yes, they are open.


Highs in the teens, wind, and snow.

Playtime Participants:

666, Skimoore, dblatto, Slim, Shugs, and Powdork.

Esteemed Photographers:

666, dblatto, & Skimoore.

Music: Calibre – ‘Alone in a Crowd’

Synopsis: Did it really snow in Tahoe? Its only mid-December!

One lift, dirt, bushes, tree stumps, logs, deep pow, frozen chins, good times, and long drives.


Let’s head to the mountains!

Coffee, music, and a drive to GO SKIING!

dblatto does some weird stretches for warm up…

666 drinks WAY too much coffee…

OMG, it looks like so TeH EpiC!

Where this guy is going is anyone’s guess…

Skimoore’s first turn…looks way better than just ‘race course’…

Shugs gets some super sick snow machine air…

These things make things worse…

Skimoore schmears another…

Shugs gains some speed…

In this economy, we shall go ski underneath the Cornice chair…

dblatto finds a nice line…

And gets some HUGE AIR!!!!!

666 makes a turn…

Skimoore pans for gold…

mmmmmm, Kirkwood food

Skimoore and dblatto getting comfortable…

dblatto is so COOL!

dblatto takes a break by reading a trashy gossip mag

Remember kids, don’t kill others!

Backcountry assault above Skimoore’s house…

Tribute to Zbo….

666 trims the hedges…

dblatto = on the FAIL boat!

And on that night, it began to snow….

MONDAY!: The Angels Fell….

The drive isn’t looking too bad…

Still…actually quite enjoyable….


Well, at least its really warm…

Skimoore finds a tree run off of SOLITUDE CHAIR!!!!



666 avoids the other 10 people that went skiing that day to find this…

Pretty lame actually…

Slim is actually quite tall. At 6’5", its really tough to find a fitted pink one piece…

Skimoore in theWHITE ROOM!

I’m RED with envy…

In typical Kirkwood fashion, the only chair open….breaks down

But when it did re-open…..Skimoore was ready


It started to snow….

Slim was ready…

Powdork….dorking in the pow

Skimoore just getting retarded…

Good thing Powdork waxed his snorkel…

Skimoore….enough already!

Powdork….I hate you!

Even the SUV’s were getting faceshots…

Should be an easy drive…

Caltrans just got a new pipedragon…

Ooooh, out of the snow….

Ahhhhh, so pretty!

Flash Flood Warning…

5 seconds later…

Probably a good time to start my xmas shopping!