Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
New Zealand 2006

Rain Raises the Bar – Remarks, NZ – 09/05/06

Date: September 5th, 2006

Location: Remarkables ski field, beautiful country of New Zealand.

Skiers: NZPhotoslave, Woody, 666, SQ99, Slim, and the rain gods.

Synopsis: After skiing BLUETOOTH the day before, and jonesing to ride on our first full day in NZ, we were praying that the wet weather softened things up a bit. Especially on a flat-white day, where we were only going to ski the Alta Chutes for visibility, our prayers were answered.

Yes, it was raining. Well, it was those days where back at home, you would have a U-turn in the parking lot. Quotes such as "I’ve been drier while water skiing" floated in the midst along swearing Kia. Bottom line, the snow was fast and smooth, so we stuck around for a few hikes.

Music: Concord Dawn – Blow

Downtown Queenstown, and the infamous Remarkable Range in the background. The Alta Chutes are right behind that face.

Kiwi hikers smoke cigs….that’s just the way it is here. SQ99 looking utterly depressed on the right. He was like that the whole trip.

Woody top of the chutes, looking for his scuba gear…

All of us hit up Pipeline, Slim does a Leory Jenkins…

SQ99 airs out of pipeline…

Up above some exposure of Diagonlator, Squirrel takes some spy video of the guy in the menthol gore-tex:

Slim carves up a pre-thanksgiving turn…

666 in anti-dry-dock steeze…

666 on "TeH BanK"

SQ99 seeing a slight rain/snow mix…

…and then finds a soft pocket of fresh, er, softness:

666 with a "protractor moment"…

SQ99 and 666 punch up to Telex….

For Rodent’s first time, he gets first tracks…

SQ99 eyes his line while he put his gloves on the spin cycle…

Like a mouse on cheese….

He decides to hit up the skier’s right face…

And squeezes through without a base-grind…

Now he’s home free in some of the stickiest snow of his LIFE!

View to Coronet, where the day looks pretty nice? WTF?

The Remarks – cotton candy steeze…

Yes Mom, I will eat my vegetables…

Still on the phone, SQ99 orders one of these. Well, he did build up a thirst from all that slush-hiking:

Meanwhile, Mrs.666 and I sample around 100 different wines…

A Kiwi hallway…I think someone skis at this place:

And you can’t beat a homemade Kiwi dinner….Yum Yum!

Next day – Cardrona.