Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Ohau Windy It Was in NZ – 08/21/07

Ohau Windy It Was in NZ – 08/21/07

Day in Southern Hemisphere:

August 21st, 2007

Location of wind and snow:

Ohau, New Zealand

Coffee Nerds:

666, NZphotoslave, and Woody


Wind that pushes snow over an existing base of layered snow, some sun, some cloud.


6:20 AM wakeup call, diesel, coffee, donut, bottled Red-Bull, another flat white in Omarama, arrive at Ohau, hike, hike in wind, do a recon hike, ski, make more laps on chairlift, leave, and drive back to Queenstown to get a proper feed.

Music that makes one think:

Tay Zonday – "Chocolate Rain"

Its pretty early to be evil…

Tip for new visitors, don’t drive off the road…

I hate crowds and bad views…

Yes, they take credit cards…

Ahhhhhh, best friends 4 ever!

Let’s go for a walk…its actually a nice temperature outside

Wicked view off the top…actually its just a postcard in front of the camera lens

Wait a minute, do you feel that? Yep, this hike is going to suck.

The ridge down there is the looker’s right hike-to terrain that just needed a bit more snow…massive potential though.

Woody sheds a tear…

We made it to Hemi’s (sp) basin…with just a little bit more snow, a boot-pack would have been in order.

But not without a short break for a biscuit and some tea…

Woody looks for a line…

Sharks littered the gnarly stuff, so I just rallied down the gut of this thing…

Photoslave gets some freshly buffed goodness….

And remember, there’s only about 9 people at Ohau on this day, with none hiking anywhere near us…

Woody attempts a "schmear" turn on a sunny patch…

Winter snow is always FUN!

No moguls here…just like Squaw!

One of the hidden gems of magical Ohau…

On the way down, we find a protected pitch…

Without any tracks…

Who is this guy?

"So I was thinking. I think that if I ski over that rock, I’ll get airborn"

E X T R E M E ! ! ! ! ! !

S U P E R – E X T R E M E !

666 heading to the cafe, for another flat-white…

A G G R E S S I V E ! ! ! ! !

A L P I N E – S K I I N G!

Its weird how the light only hit the skis?

"Ok, last one to take their boots off buys the Speights"

The traffic on the way down was just out of hand….never again

Next up, another day at the Remarks….yay!