Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘casey cane’

Bluebird Blitzkreig @KirkwoodMtn – 02/23/14

Perfect bluebird day…yippie!


February 23rd, 2014

Location: Kirkwood, California

Weather: BLUEBIRD…

Riders: Slaythegnar, Aaron Miller & Holden

Photographers: Slaythegnar

POV VIDEO Bluebird blitzkreig @KirkwoodMtn – 02/23/14

Bluebird blitzkreig @KirkwoodMtn – 02/23/14 from SlayTheGnar on Vimeo.

Music: Metalheadz podcast 45 – Ant TC1 – Feb 2014

Java Porn: Your standard highway brew


I’ve been waiting for a day like this since November of 2013. The stars aligned and delivered bluebird skies, no wind, wintery snowpack, and every one of my favorite lines accessible. Its this early season snowpack (I know its late February) that really gives Kirkwood its raw feel and exhume its fun factor. Lines like Oops n Poops, Chamoix, Dan’s Cliffs, Thunder Saddle, Soul Searcher, Broadway Chute, Vista are all now finally skiable while keeping their steepest pitch yet leaving some gnar to work around.

Hit ‘A’ to START…:

Epic sunrise on the Golden Gate the day prior…

The Spur banks are growing…

This kid just got back from Paris three days ago and ready to shred…

First run and we are in the park!

Warming up the DITCH OF DOOM!

Another lap? Why not?

C’mon boy, roll that ankle over….

Mini-Jets in the house! Have fun guys, Daddy is going skiing now…

Wagon Wheel Bowl past Funnel delivered…

The Banzai course going down Snow snake gully…

And the top of the course headed down the Wall….

Buffed out under Thimble Peak…

Norm’s Nose is always a favorite…

Still impressed how these Deathwish skis rail…

The Cirque looking better…

Lower Cirque was wintery and fun…

Scott’s run off Vista still holding pow…

Backside & Bluebird…

Fawn Ridge wind formations…

And it finally looks like winter…

Just past the Ice Fall (Corner Chute)…

Broadway was skiing quite well…

Just a minor crux…

And its rippin’ snow to the exit….

West Shore holding some great snow…

Another lap on Thunder Saddle but this time near Soul Searcher…

I ran over to Oops Face and found it untracked…

Aaron Miller (age 94) still shreds….

He even got some air!

What’s a day without the Oops EP ice fall tree air?

So this guy ended up puking all over his skis…

But felt great after a hot dog and a gatorade for another lap. Alright kid…we’re racing to the car!

Yep, he’s still jet-lagged…

Slept for 2 hours…

Antioch bridge provided a nice sunset…

The season is finally starting…at the end of Feb??