Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘casey cane’

Descending the Drought @KirkwoodMtn – 01/18/14

OK, is it ever going to snow?


January 12th & 18th, 2014

Location: Kirkwood, California

Weather: Blue to the bird!

Riders: Slaythegnar, MildBill, Miss Parker, Holden

Photographer: Slaythegnar

POV VIDEODescending the Drought @KirkwoodMtn – 01/18/14

Descending the Drought @KirkwoodMtn – 01/18/14 from SlayTheGnar on Vimeo.

Music: Ulterior Motive & FD – The Metalheadz show on Rinse FM 15.01.14

Java Porn: Blue Bottle Iced Coffee in Hayes Valley anyone?


What are you going to do? A start of a Tahoe winter has not been this bad since the year I was born. Yes, I’m that old, but lets not harp on that. When is it going to snow? Probably never, but the skiing is actually quite fun given the yearly snow totals. The groomers have been impeccable for early morning sessions on the race carvers, and the weather could not be more perfect for skiing around training your 5 and 2 year olds while wearing your favorite hoodie.

This video provides a glimpse of the current conditions up at Kirkwood. Chair 6 has the ‘goods’ from the steep groomer of Zachary to exploration around cavernous chutes scattered from Chamoix across to Look Out Janek.

So break out those World Cup Slaloms and dust off those Rock Skis and give er’ a go!

January 12th, 2014:

Is this actually rain falling from the sky in SF?…

OMG, the Moment Baby Rocker skis are MOUNTED!!!!

Screw it, we’re doing a day trip…LET’S GO KIDS!


Snow tires actually being used?

Carson Spur showing signs of winter…

Miss Parker ready for her pass picture…

Alright, Chair 1 on her new skis!

Oh, Kirkwood. We still love you.

Who’s winning the father of the year award? Uh huh…

Yeah Parkie! Not bad for 2.5 years old.

Slow down please…

Time for a few runs for dad…Lookout Janek has looked worse.

The line under Chair 6 ain’t so bad…at least Kirkwood has off-piste on natural snow open…

A bit wintry…

Not too bad under Oops Face…quite enjoyable actually.

First legitimate powder turns of the year in Oops?

Time for a look at Chamoix…ends in 7 footer onto punchy ice…I survived.


January 18th, 2014:

Nice morning in South Lake…

Early morning Zach’s laps were FANTASTIC!

Who says you can’t do SG turns on SL’s?

Transition over to ‘rock skis’ for off-piste exploration around Olympic…

The traverse past Chamoix looks a bit muddy…

MildBill rails an off-piste turn in Chamoix…

Careful…it cliffs out bro!

Massive line score for January 2014 in Tahoe…

Slaythegnar’s POV in Chamoix…

The exit…not as bad as last week.

Some exploration under Sentinel Bowl…

The best line by far was skier’s left of Olympic…

Actually quite fun…

Rock ski pow pow fun…

MildBill…disgruntled flannel turn…

Another lap in the FUN ZONE!

No snow in the forecast…