Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘Comi Kazi’

April Showers Beckon Gnar Followers – KW – 04/04/10

Still Snowing in California….


April 1st-4th, 2010

Location: Kirkwood…a mountain with machines that take humans to the summit so they can slide down.

Weather: Snow, light grey clouds, dark grey clouds, wind, and perfect winter temps.

The old satellite shows the storm track….

The evil ice shows the temps….


Skier666, Zippy, S.P.C, Jrosen32, MildBill, JMetzler, Skiin’ Ian, Mogul5480, Derrick, Powdork, and Mishap…


666, Zippy, JMetzler, and Jrosen32

POV VIDEO – Like the game Doom but without guns and badly pixelated monsters.

Music: Source Direct – ‘Call & Response’


Flat-light, Snow, wind, greybird, soft snow, ice-falls, cliffs, new zones, skinning, lost car keys, towed cars, and good times at Kirkwood.

Java Porn: Single cup Peets Rwanda Lake Kivu roast….mmmm.

Blog Begin:

The Previous Saturday morning I was flying over Florida….

….Saturday afternoon, the wife, kid, in-laws, cousins, arrive in Nashville for a wedding…

We stayed in this super retro hotel…

…Sunday afternoon, we’re in Chicago….

The next day, my lone self goes back to the Bay Area to commute in the rain…

Hello…its Thursday and these people are NOT at work:

Jrosen32 finds this line yet only once…

And then over to the side of Kodak…

Zippy ollies over the bottom of Thunder Saddle…

Zippy spent his Spring Break in the Spur…

…with S.P.C and powder…

Zippy jumps…

…because its fun.

The 2010 famous Spur double…by Jrosen32….

Icy landing…

S.P.C. says ‘screw it’….

Thursday Groomer…

FRIDAY!: Its sunny, but the storm is coming…

‘Is this the way to San Jose?’

Is that the sun?????

The Spur at 2:45pm…still have car key.

S.P.C. washing his ski clothes…

Here, he smiles at me…..

Don’t lose your car keys at Kirkwood…just trust me on this one.

To celebrate the extremely low cost of towing a car all the way to Reno from Kirkwood….Zippy and I threw a house rave….

SATURDAY!: Is that a glimmer of sunshine?

View from Picket’s Junction…

View from Caples Lake…

Jrosen32 in lower cirque…

Zippy in West Shore proper…

Zippy has been here before…

Mishap slays past Zippy…

…and then goes for some air in Temple…

Zippy in true form over the Temple glacier…

Powdork on his first ski day of the season…

Jrosen32 attempts to air over the center of Upper Cham…

He didn’t quite make it…and had to change skis…and bindings…

Spur time!

Never been here before…

Where’s the skier?

Zippy was just skiing along and a cliff came upon him….

Corner ice-chute…


Jrosen takes an interesting angle…



Jrosen32 finds untracked…


mogul5480 gets aggressive…

Jmetzler, Skiin’ Ian and I also decided to ski the Spur….but as you have already witnessed above, the gates opened after we began our uphill tour…

Skiin Ian….

…no tracks…

…no tracks…

…no tracks…


Jmetzler is up….

He’s bored…

He’s in the moment….

Skiin’ Ian…

Oh, hell yeah!

Jmetzler…turn and burn…

666 was there, OMG!

‘Does it go?’

Forest Dump…

Another lap?

So, it looked like pow…but it was solid ice. Sadly, the frame after this may have killed Skiin’ Ian’s ACL…

Ian Skiin’ on a painful knee…

Wild dogs…

Nice end to the day…


Oh Noz!

Storm is coming…hike faster!

Night TRAIN!!!!!

666 has fun here…

Don’t believe him?

Watch the POV vid..heh.

Jmetzler skis fresh…

In the moment…

Soft snow…

Silky smooth…

Getting steep…

Getting deep…

..And then he skied to Berkeley…

666 makes a turn…

TEAM CROWBAR represent!

Derrick flips for joy….

Zippy exits Upper Cham…

I told Derrick this was groomed….

Zippy gets creative…

What storm? 30" fell throughout the next 15 hours.

Zippy does a reverse ice climb…

April Showers…

Da Delta’…

Where’s my hovercraft?

Finally, back to the strip joints!!!!!