Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘hucking’

Annihilating the Final Phase of February – KW – 02/28/10


February 27-28th, 2010

Location: Kirkwood…near Lake Tahoe, the jewel of the Sierras

Weather: Sunny….


Skier666, Zippy, Frush, Dblatto, S.P.C, Jrosen32, GDS, Dhelihiker, Gerome, Tyrone Shoelaces, Kush, and CLACK!

Photo Journalists:

Zippy, Jrosen32, Tyrone Shoelaces, and 666

POV VIDEO – Super short but had technical and positioning issues…as usual.

Music: Modeselektor – ‘Deboutonner’ feat Siriusmo


While I ran around San Francisco on Saturday, Zippy and the crew slayed some lines while capturing the motion on memory cards. I decided to join them on Sunday to jump off things into powder…and take some pretty pictures.


Its 8am on a Saturday…time for trendy coffee!

Breakfast at the Ferry Building….he was really tasty!

Chickens frolicking in open space….

Chickens frolicking in a secured space…

Meanwhile, at Kirkwood, S.P.C gets hungry for lunch….

Jrosen32 flapping his wings….

Kush still exists….

…and flips out!

Jrosen32 killing February 2010….

Dblatto is alive….

Zippy is a free-range skier….

666 takes a non-ski photo for the first time….


Its early….its all a blur…

….don’t remember this one either….

The Central Valley was stagnant yet free-range…..

I ran an HDMI cable from my condo…..

Spur has coverage….

….this is the summit of that coverage…

Zippy in true form over the packed granular….

Clack’s line through the bumps….

666 = happy

Zippy likes this air…it requires minimum 25 feet of snowfall…so its officially on for 2010.

GDS is a young gun….jumps off anything…ah, the memories of being 18.

GDS from 666’s eyeballs…

Tyrone made a few carves on the groomers….

The internet was green with envy….

666 hits a massive five-footer…

…and then makes a turn on the ice.

OMFG CLACK!!!!!!!!!!!

The future of skiing….release on rock, air, land on one ski, and then the one ski afterbang…..

Zippy in the superpipe…

View from the quarterpipe….

666 enters the slopestyle….

Zippy runs the NASTAR course….

Tyrone goes glade skiing….

Lost in the forest….

I googled for an exit…..

Winds of West Shore greet our entry…

Tyrone rides the left-hander….

And GS’s into the Diagonal….

The Frush made a fresh appearance…

With great green helmet joy, Dhelihiker has some fun….


Gerome launches in Temple…

I think GDS likes following us around….

The Frush in a free-ranging the sidecountry of Doom…

Gerome monkeying around….

The Frush decides to make a turn….

Time to go west and search for gold in the massive snowbanks….

