Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘Jaguar Sharks’

Violating the Vestibules of VailWood – 03/03/12

Enough to Entertain…?


March 3rd, 2012

Locations: Kirkwood (VailWood)

Weather: Bluebird, no wind…yeah, kind of nice out

Riders: Skier666, S.P.C, MildBill, Sean from SF, JMetzler, Jrosen32, mogul5480, and dblatto

Cameramen: Skier666, S.P.C & JMetzler

POV VIDEO – Violating the Vestibules of VailWood

Music: Nosia & Phace – ‘Program’


Well…as I type this, it is Tahoe’s 3rd driest winter on record for total snowfall. Vail has also now purchased Kirkwood. So, we figured we would entertain a ski day at this new place especially with the recent snow. Funny enough, it skis just as fun as Kirkwood. We traversed from left to right, went up & down, found powder to slush, hella’ jumps, cliffs, features and actually had GREAT TIME!


One last rooftop BBQ before the rain set in….

Satellite is looking impressive…

Commute wasn’t much fun…

On March 3rd, the lake was calm….

Tallac looking its most winter-like yet!

JMetzler and I take our first run down the Spur…

Now two days after the storm, we weren’t expecting much…

But found some delightful snow…

Yep, better than expected…

666 even made a turn…

…considered a powder run?

JMetzler finds a nice spot…


…Love this one, props to photog!


The WALL….its a black diamond

Over to lower cirque…

Then over to Main Street where the snow was…


S.P.C even put on a camera….

…and got some.

dblatto followed us…

and then stalked S.P.C’s camera…

Not sure what’s going on here…

Finally, over in the Diagonal Chute called ‘boulevard’….MildBill makes some happy turns…

He lines up a straightline….

…and followed suit.

JMetzler followed MildBills lead…

And aired it out…

This is what was left for me and my iPhone….

And it looked like this…

The line…

JMetzler gets a few extra turns…

Over at the Temple of Doom, Jrosen32 was already itching for his line…

Oh yeah!


S.P.C is up and decides…

…to go…


MildBill goes for a huck….

And from the bottom…talk about TR technology!

666 tries not to land in the ruts…..

Dblatto gets some speed in the Vista Shadows…

Sean from SF was there…..he found some decent snow

JMetzler metzlin’….

We then rallied over to Oops area, where I did some AC work on the face.

On the extreme traverse, I said hello to my friends above. HI FRIENDS!!!

Over on Oops EP, we jumped stuff….

Jrosen32 was up for the challenge…

Multi-angle steeze…

And another!

A little rabbit chutes lap…

Then over to the Fingers with Dblatto…

S.P.C on the lower sisters….

Jmetzler on the following day out near Headwall…

On the drive home, I stopped to smell the flowers. They said it was going to snow next week.

And obligatory….(the weather has been pretty stellar in the city lately)