Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘Kirkwood’

Summering in the Sultry Sierra – 06/15/13

The Season of Nothing Still Delivering!


June 15th, 2013

Location: Carson Pass (Woods Lake to Round Top to Sisters area)

Weather: Perfectly erect for shredding…

Riders: Slaythegnar, Vets, and Dookey67

Photographers: Slaythegnar, Vets, and Dookey67

POV VIDEO Summering in the Sultry Sierra – 06/15/13

Summering in the Sultry Sierra – 06/15/13 from skier666 on Vimeo.

Music: Alix Perez 45 min Boiler Room DJ Set …

Java Porn: Freshly Convenience store blend


Its that time of year again in Northern California…hiking, snow skiing, boating & jet skiing!

Unknown to what we would find on a back to back low snow year, the objective was clear…to climb and ski around the Carson Pass area off of Round Top Peak (Moon Crescent zone @ 10,381 ft), and to climb and ski as many lines as possible around the Sisters Peaks (10,153 ft)

As it turned out, the conditions were extremely similar to what we found this time last year…minimal sun cups and perfect corn.

We started our trip from Woods Lake (8,232 ft) and hiked up to the snow line at Winnemucca Lake. After a quick ski boot transition, it was time for crampons and slaying for the duration of the day. The snow was still firm on the first line down Moon Crescent, but was perfect corn on every subsequent descent. All in all, a 12 hour loop back to the car with a ton of vertical and every objective met = SUCCESS!

Nothing better than recouping those tired legs than getting up early and railing some glassy turns on Lake Tahoe…followed by an afternoon session searching for jumps on the Sea Doo.


Between ski days, our family loves to go to new SF Park openings…

Day one of new Lafayette Park and Parker is already training for Everest…

Slide Slayage

Why not take the kids to a carnival?

di Rosa art museum in Napa? Sure…we have car, why not?

Bye Bye SF, I’m going skiing…

Always nice to wake up early and bring your coffee to a calm lake…

Hope Valley enroute to Woods Lake…

On the trail with sights on the first lap…

The mighty Moon Crescent off of Round Top…

Who brought this guy???

A bit of a freeze last night…

Now wearing crampons, its time to burn some calories…

Who said you could walk on the dirt?

It’s not that tiring is it?

Headphones on…let’s do this!

A fellow soldier makes a turn for us…

Follow me…if you dare!

Yep, that’s my gear. I must have made it!

Views are always tremendous up here…

Deadwood Peak holding onto some snow…

I never ski down there…haha!

Finally time to ski!

Little firm but I have a whole day of objectives ahead of me…

Time for a corn groomer session…

Time to let them rip…

Did I mention it was PERFECT!

Dookey67 taking his first lap…

Yep, he was loving it…

It’s Vets, the ‘patch skiing warrior’…

No suncups = greatness!…

Slaythegnar takes the left to right line…

Nice skinny jeans dude…

On our traverse over to the Sisters area, we found another zone that looked cornastically smooth…

Dookey67 lays down some carves…

Vets goes in motion…

Oh yeah, looking sick…

Slaythegnar makes a big long turn…

Vets makes his way over the Sisters…

View from the soft shoulder of the saddle between Round Top and the Sisters, Deadwood Peak and beyond…

Caples Lake all the way to Pyramid Peak in the distance…

Nice Pano bro!

Dookey67 questioning my route finding skills…

Deadwood Peak Pano…

But then I showed him our steep smooth corn chute of bliss…

Vets doesn’t waste any time to get first tracks…

So fresh and so clean…

Yep, he was enjoying himself…

Dookey67 was up next…

666 eyes up a line on far skier’s right…

Hmmmmm…looks a little narrow down there!

Just so damn smooth…

Couldn’t quite make that turn, eh buddy?

In any case, that was FANTASTIC!

After a short snow traverse, Slaythegnar begins climbing up to his 3rd objective for the day…

Yep, I’m ready!

Steep, consistent snow…good times!

Time to open it up…

Vets descends down Sisters Bowl…

Vets just having a nice mellow entertaining run…

Slaythegnar reaches his 4th objective…

Chutes are fun…

Especially in the middle of June on a shitty snow year…

Corn, oh glorious corn all the way to Round Top Lake…


I’m pretty sure we JUST HAVE TO HIKE BACK UP TO GET ONE LAST RUN back to Winnemucca Lake…

Dookey67 slides down gravity…

Slaythegnar makes a turn…

Vets finds an opening…

…over to the last face for skiing

So long Winnemucca Face, I’m too damn thirsty for a beer to ski you again

Slaythegnar takes a nap next to the car, he’s pooped…

But not too pooped to take out the Sea Doo…

The rest of the trip was family time on the lake…

Early morning boat rides are ZE BEST!


Flying on water…

Tires out the kiddies…

And then after the nap…

The next morning, Mt. Tallac from Camp Richardson…

A balloon…

Boat to Lunch? Why the hell not?

Pretty crummy view to eat a burger…


Let’s check out Glen Alpine Falls!

Glen Alpine in motion…

Maybe a short hike near Hall of the Gods?

And then a trip for some Summer Ice Cream?

Yep…that’s us, God help us!

Who doesn’t like sunsets?

Personally, I hate them. They’re ugly

Meanwhile back in SF, S.P.C spots this guy walking down Market Street chasing powder lines…

Slaythegnar does a morning Marin Headlands run…

Later that night, the mighty Ed Rush & Optical play near Slaythegnar’s house…

Beats straight to my heart…

I feel like I’m in a…Wormhole!

And then a trip to Napa for lunch…

I guess that’s what we pay high taxes for eh?