Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘photos’

Hall Pass to Halls & Ablaze at Alpine Ghettos, CA – 05/15/10



May 15th, 2010

Location: Hall of the Gods above Fallen Leaf Lake, and a visit to Alpine Ghettos, or Meadows, or Shreadows, or Shralpine Mellows…..I give up.

Fun area eh?

Oooooooh, new sign!

Weather: Sunny. 34F at 5am, 64 F at 2pm


Skier666, hop, Obscure Reference, Vets, Dookey67, Unpossible, SchralphMacchio, Corky, Snowranger, The Frush, and many more….


666, hop, and Obscure Reference

POV VIDEO – Its a little high, but it does the job….

Music: TRG – Broken Heart [Martyn DCM RMX]


Hop and I are granted a 17:19 hall pass to do some skiing. We depart SF at 8:11pm Friday night, sleep a few hours, ski until 2pm, and arrive back in SF at 5:30pm. We did a dawn patrol on Halls from Fallen Leaf around 6,500 ft to top of Halls around 8,800 ft, and then ran over to Alpine to shred some slush. Good day.

Java Porn: TR created by an Apple flat white…(this new app is great)

TR Begins Now:

Hop’s Maserati is fast….which was good because our alarms were set for 4:30am.

The road is plowed to the trail-head parking lot, thus saving time on the ascent. Lots of snow for Mid-May at 6500 ft.

This is a river of snowmelt….

Here, 666 punches through the snowpack into the black abyss….Obscure is there to poke fun….

Yep, still early…

Hurry up….

Hmmm….does 666 really want to ski that chute?

Obscure should have used pole straps…

Yep, 666 eyes his bulletproof line…

Frozen sketchfest. Helmets on!

We made it. Hop was so excited!

The options….

Proof 666 was there…

Nice view of the Pacific Ocean…

Obscure was really nervous on the ascent, so I comforted him at the summit….

666’s line-choice (see POV vid)

Obscure jumps out of the gate…

Finds perfect fields of corn….

Hop gets viewtastic…


Aggressive Alpine Skier….

Hop can Alpine as well….

Did someone say Bode Miller? I sure didn’t.

666 appears out of the dark shadows with sounds of nails on a chalkboard….

Recent east facing wet slide debris…

Hop is still skiing….

Obscure finds a line….

So cute that these guys got along….

Obscure carvin’….

Hop lovin’…..

Hop goes through a forest to earn a few more turns…

…like this…

Mr. Baby Head does the same…

Obscure finds a groomer…

666 wants to ski to the car….

Obscure descends as far as possible…

‘Hurry up, we need to head to the Ghettos!’

Headed towards Fallen Leaf from trailhead….

View of the area where we had a fun play date…


Summer season is approaching fast….

So are the chemtrails….

We made it to Alpine. It is rather warm, snow rather soft. Decked out in Kiwi gear for my Southern Hemisphere entrepreneurs.

Kingswoods on Keyhole? Why not?

Looking South….

Hop back on some rockered K2’s based on Seth Morrison’s needs…

Some guy on a snowboard was dressed and drunk as a Dodger….

This is a tree with a view…

Hop still managed to have a good time…

OMG, no comment….

Dookey67 finds a nice pitch….

Hop goes hella’ tele-mode….

Corky slayin’….

Vets made an appearance….

666 on Pete’s Peril….

Hop and I brought some gear for one day of skiing….

Heh….to think now THIS place is closed!

Where can we get food on the way home? Hmmmm….

Success! Back to winter in SF (truth be told, it was colder in SF than Tahoe on this day)