Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘pow’

Wondrous Weekend of duh WINNING – 03/06/11

You all remember Charlie Sheen week right?


March 4th-11th, 2011

Locations: Kirkwood sidecountry, Hall of the Gods (Fallen Leaf BC), in-bounds Kirkwood, and Florida?

Hall of the Gods…



Weather: Sun, snow, clouds…something like this if you average it out….


Skier666, Powdork, Skiin’ Ian, gimpy, Sierra Cement, S.P.C., Steven S Dallas, Mild Bill, Abominable Snowman, Boston Aaron (sp)


666, SSD, Sierra Cement

POV VIDEO – Wondrous Weekend of Winning…

Music: Bon Jovi – ‘You give love a bad name’ Mater Suspiria Vision (Zombie Rave Remix)


My wife and kid flew out to Florida to meet up with the in-laws, so I did what any reasonable father would do….ski as much as humanly possible. This is a story about skiing throughout the sidecountry of Kirkwood, the chutes of the Hall of the Gods, a sleeper pow day at Kirkwood, and a quick trip to gator and flamingo country

It was also the week of Charlie Sheen. Let us never forget. Duh…WINNER! No warlocks or Trolls in this TR…

Java Porn: Mmmmmmm…3 days of 7-Eleven’s finest!

March 4th, 2011:

I departed San Francisco a tad late with a 6am departure…

But made good time into the foothills where I stopped to take a picture of the Earth

But I arrived to ski the Spur untracked…

666 makes a few turns….

As luck would have it, Powdork had the same idea….

It was horrible…

He had to cross too many tracks…

Untracked schmears are boring…

Powdork enjoying his run….

Here, he descends down the mogul course…

666 skis through the sierra cement….

666 then takes a couple laps in bounds….Norm’s Nose:

Oops EP…..

A meet up with Skiin’ Ian led to a tour near Cali Chutes….

I made a pee, phone call, and drank a Red Bull here…

To the Southwest

To the Southeast…

We decided to ski the Headwall prior to Cali Chutes….

Skiin’ Ian leaves some room for the 6’er…..

Man, it was good….

So good, it warranted noodling….

My POV….

The damage….

Time to hike over to Pipeline….

It was good in there too…

Skiin’ Ian enjoys the sport of skiing….

666 had fun in the powder…

The zone is that rocky bit in the distance…

Near Lake Tahoe, winter had her grip on the boating community…

March 5th, 2011:

‘Act as a leaf and fall into this lake, and pow turns will be had’ – a wise man once said…..

Sierra Cement, Gimpy and I head up while contemplating a hotwire….

The journey was mixed with ice, sugar snow, and sweat…

Up and up we go….

We approach some gnar….

Sierra Cement thinking about….yep…donuts.

Our first line encompassed Main Halls with no tracks….

666 went down a tad to take a few photos…

Not too ‘slabby’…

Gimpy provides avalanche testing…

Sierra Cement getting hella extreme…

666 approaches the choke…

From his point of view….

…and continues onward….

Sierra Cement goes next but refuses to stop….

Do you blame him?

Gimpy follows suit…

And exits out of the bottom…

666 survives as well….thank god it’s a blue run.

Another round?

Desolation Wilderness looking phat….

I believe this is :Lake Tahoe but I could be very wrong….

A very very very large cliff looking down towards death…

Our previous line…

On the Angora side, we take a few turns before heading to the Fallen Angel area….

Sierra Cement knows what to do…

Gimpy loves to ski as well…

666 descends a boring pow face….

Needs more ice for carving…..

Near Fallen angel, Sierra Cement takes a GS line….

A little variable in here, but all around great fun…

Gimpy enjoyed himself…how do I know? He gave me a hug at the bottom.

Later that afternoon, I headed out to KW to witness MildBill making a turn into Once in Enough…


After all the hiking earlier in the day and being a bit bored with steep skiing, I decided to take a nap on top of hospital air…

Steven S Dallas flames through Sisters Chute…

…even busted out a wall slash!

Guess the meat…

March 6th, 2011:

It wouldn’t be a skiing day in 2011 without driving on snow…

At the parking lot, the 4-6 inches looks more like 14 inches….

Open before 9am? No WAY!!!!!!!

MildBill ollies into Upper Cham….

666 takes the easy way in….

Not only is he sexy in pink, SSD is actually a damn fine skier…

mmmm….powder skiing….

That’ right, get after it boy!

Fun times…

Sleeper pow is always fun….

Damn snow….


That damn snow again…

Thunder Saddle opened, so time to jump off stuff…(opposite of Kodak)

And a little ‘one man chute’ I believe…(near Soul Searcher/Tremans)

One last run off the side of Oops and lower Cham…

March 9th, 2011:

And then a couple days later, its off to Naples, Florida! Wahoooo!

Gator country…

…and beach camo-lizards

and white sandy beaches….

Hop came along but he’s underwater taking pics of that thing…

Some golf happened…

March 14th, 2011:

And an early Monday morning direct flight to SFO across alligator alley…

Flew over the San Juans where the Red Bull Cold Rush 2011 was happening…(you can see Telluride in the photo)

…and of course, the Central Sierra

…and it continues to snow at time of publishing…