Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘ski mountaineering’

Mission to Moon Crescent & Slushgnar @ Kirkwood – 01/16/11



January 15-16th, 2011

Location(s): Round Top, California


Kirkwood Meadows Slushgnarows


Bluebird…no wind…like skiing in temps as if you were skiing San Francisco in the sunny season (now)…


Skier666, S.P.C, JMetzler, Gerome, Dhelihiker, Unpossible, Skimoore (what?)


666, JMetzler, Unpossible, Gerome


Music: Loadstar – ‘Link to the Past’


With reports coming in that it rained to extremely high elevations just a day prior, and with two days to do whatever we wanted, we figured we should attempt to ski something above 10,000 ft. That’s where Round Top came into play. Unfortunately, only the upper 3rd of the Moon Crescent had wintry snow.

After a morning of hiking, we zipped over to Kirkwood, where sun, beers, and softening snow blew our minds. The next day followed suit.

Java Porn: Lines are getting out of control at the South Lake Starbucks, so sometimes you have to go old school…

Trip to the Moon!:

What a better way to spend a Friday night than driving to the snow…

A little fossil fuel cam…

Not really a dawn patrol, not really an Alpine start…but cool nonetheless…

It may be warm, but there’s still some snow hanging around…

I think the coffee is wearing thin…

Now if they would only plow our skin track…

Its not really that far is it??????

S.P.C is killing it on his first skin ascent…

Our line comes into view…unlike the way it did in the last photo…

S.P.C reconsidering his late night skin cutting session…or should I say ‘early morning skin cutting session?’….

Skier666 heads up to check the snow conditions at the bottom of the chute to decide to hike around or up the damn thing. Yes, we walked around…

This was as close as ‘powder’ we got….

Up and around the bend, its time for a push to the summit…

Yippie! Ice, scree, and sheer drops to the South!

S.P.C decided that this was scenic and all but a little too sketchball…

JMetzler makes the push…

False summit 2011…

WE MADE IT! SO ski mountainery of us!

Oooooo pretty pictures… the Southwest

To the South…

I should have gone to art school…

A lake…

The Moon Crescent from the summit…JMetzler decided it wasn’t the best line to try out his new Dynafit setup, so I jumped in…

Looks so incredibly fun!

Not so fun…

This is better….WINTER SNOW!

Ok, time to do some skiing…

Doesn’t look so bad from here….

JMetzler rips down the corduroy….

S.P.C finds a ribbon of GREATNESS back towards the car…


Off to Kirkwood. Might as well hit the Extreme Traverse…just don’t trip.

Above Ski School skied well…

Same for Sisters Chute…

Nice afternoon looking West…

Back at Bub’s….Irony set in…

The next morning, Skimoore carves down Norm’s Nose…

I ollied his markings…

And then we are off to a hidden stash…

S.P.C. heads downhill…

JMetzler finds a SECRET chute…

I think it goes…

Skimoore came from Paris just for this run…

S.P.C is the next customer…

bye bye…

666 goes for it…

West Shore was looking prime for wetslide activity, I think not hitting freezing the night before played a role in that one….

Temple of Doom tried to swallow Skimoore but failed to do so…

He then migrated to Hells….

We soon met up with Gerome and crew on Chamois…

A run over to the Fingers…

Gerome rolls into Once…my little camera fails to focus…

Down here?

666 follows the big monkey…

Good times…

Its not really 50F at the 8,000 ft is it?

…Even colder at 500 feet…

Cows were stoked…

But cleared up on a bridge over the Bay…

And I thought Moon Crescent was narrow…

We actually skipped SF and made it to China…yet, in record time.

And I had another birthday…yep, I’m 12!

see ya’