Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘squaw valley’

Skiing the Snow & Sun of Squawstar – 04/13/10

It snowed yet again in California….


April 10th – 13th, 2010

Locations: Northstar and Squaw, CA


Squaw Valley USA of California…

Weather:You name it, we got it!

Skiers: Skier666, Jrosen32, zIPPY, Derek

Cameramen: Skier666, zIPPY, & Adominable Snowman

POV VIDEO: 666’s video…its horrible as usual

Music: Kid Cudi vs. Crookers "Day ‘n’ Night"


Squaw is always fun….and so can Northstar with a foot of pow!

Shall we Begin?:

April 10th, 2010

Loaded up the car and headed East…

The family and I spend the first night at Squaw, where the little guy learns to love Squaw’s grooming flight…

…Yes, I want some apple juice, a donut, and my monkey blanket, now!

April 11th, 2010

Hey dad, what the hell is that thing…?

Son, this is Squaw, they have lifts going in the strangest places…sit here and study this board…

OMG, first in line for TRAM!!!!

First Squaw Tram ride stoke!

Made it to Links…so crazy steep!

Skier666 getting some on the awesomo crust from Sat…

He loves the Olympic Lady….

Time for beer with Abominable Snowman and his lady…

April 12th, 2010

We attempted some turns near the Ritz, but pretty much failed due to ill-fitting boots…

Yes, I am actually skiing Northstar….N O R T H S T A R!

Nice winter day…in Spring…

Even the animals came out looking for food but were confused with all the new snow…

It accumulated behind the condo…

The Mrs. finally got a decent pow day since her devastating ankle injury in 2003…

…and I think she had some fun…

I even caused an avalanche at Northstar…yep, an avalanche, believe it!

She was making some great turns in the trees…

Meanwhile, later that day, we decided to ride to Northstar Gondi for FUN!


…but not as cool as this room we found at the Ritz!!!!

April 13th, 2010

Got about 6" of new on crust. Made for some good skiing, we have proof:

That’s not going to last long…

Random shots of Squaw sweetness…

Chimney Sweep super filled-in, but we decided to lap Silvy instead…

This brave individual wanted to send it in Silverado…

Unfortunately, he landed on rocks below. Don’t know if he was lost or what, but we hope he’s okay. By the next run, he was gone so I think Ski Patrol was able to help him out.

Jrosen32 getting some freshies right before the mank tried to take his knee…

zIPPY liking what Silverado has to offer…

Top of Silverado fun…

I wanted to hit this for sometime now…so smooth!

Almost as fun as Space Mountain!

Some skier’s on next years most funnest skis. I promise. So much fun on pretty much everything, since we skied every kind of snow that day.

…..Zippin’ zippy on lower hanging gardens

Derek gettin’ steazed….

Skier666 almost took the sled down after tweeking his pinky finger, but instead he skied it….

The top look of the straightline under the Tram. Good times, check the POV…

Trying to find some thing interesting off Broken Arrow….

Back to KT…where are all the people?

A fellow ripper enjoying the fingers as well….

We then moved on to the skier’s left of the fingers. You can guess that I know exactly what everything is NOT called at Squaw. TOTAL JONG!

Derek enjoying….

Rock Garden fun times….

Neck deep…

And finally, we moved to the dirty Dog to get some fun spines…

At 2pm it was basically untracked…

I heart SQUAW and of course, Zippy!
