Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘squaw valley’

Slaying Spring Dragons on Winter’s Tail – 03/21/10


March 19-21st, 2010

Location: Squaw, Sierra at Tahoe backcountry, & Kirkwood sidecountry

Weather: Summer conditions Friday through Saturday with more springlike temps on Sunday.

Skiers & the splitboarder:

666, Slim, Zippy, MildBill, Squaw Kid & Bcrider


666, Zippy, Dblatto with one iPhone shot & Bcrider

POV VIDEO – POV inlcudes every type of snow imaginable, including winter snow in 60F temps.

Music: Instra:mental – No Future (Skream Remix)


After some decent storms 2 weeks ago, the weather decided to warm up and hit close to 60F in the mountains. Squaw was pretty frozen, except for the usual sunny areas, but we seemed to find some winter snow in the backcountry of Sierra (Sayles Canyon) and Kirkwood (Thunderbowl & Spur). Bottom line, it was a damn fine weekend given the conditions.

Coffee Influence:

Non-fat Iced Latte mastered by Lola

Round One!: Squaw Valley World Resort

First a little waxing session by our Tahoe dog, Skittles (he’s on Facebook btw)

Extreme driving….

Zippy hits up the Olympic Lady groomers….

666 follows suit…

Zippy eats some Funnel….

Shirley Chutes….

Squaw’s highest point….

Maybe we should descend….

Sunny steeps…

Zippy finds a line…as usual…

Zippy makes his first turn 1000 feet below….

Zippy searches for rad silver in Silverado…

666 follows suit…

Squaw kid met us for a few laps…

Snow snakes exist in Broken Arrow….

Zippy finds a slot…

666 gets sloppy seconds….

Beer exists here…

West Shore wonders…

Scenic South Shore…

Zippy and I end the night with a romantic dinner and some grappa…

Sierra Ski Ranch:

So, we’re going to skin from where?

Bcrider starts by skinning through a mossy forest…

The evil clearing…

What are these things?

The first zone (keyhole) just up ahead…..

Bcrider is ready for slayage with no other humans around…

He drops in…

Bcrider rides…

666 takes a turn…

And found some nice winter snow…

666 enjoys the descent…

Bcrider slays pow….

…and then makes a turn…

…and finally, discovers a frozen field of furor…

666 finds a winter zone…

Time to head to the next area…

Uphill it is….

Meanwhile in the Kirkwood sidecountry, MildBill descends down CA Chute…


I think this zone will do…

666 heads downhill…

And finds a chute…



Bcrider plays pinball…

…scored well…

…and earned an extra credit!

Smooooooooth snow….

Pillows of corn…

666 gets one more turn….

After a long slug, Bcrider appears out of the forest…

And hits a groomer!

The sixer is pooped after his tasty beer…


That’s right race stock GS boards were the call for most of the day….

MildBill lurches into Ski School…

MildBill forced us…er Slim….to ski Thunderbowl….

It was winterized!

Slim enjoyed himself….

dAfter a quick skin to Martin Point, our zone came into view…


MildBill down the gut of the Spur…

A house attacked by El Nino….

Another successful day….

Time for an incredibly late lunch at 88 Burger…

MildBill sat down and broke this house…
