Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘squaw’

Schussing the Subtle Slopes of Squaw – 01/03/11



January 3rd, 2011

Location: Squaw Valley of California near Nevada


Partly sunny until making a left into Squaw Valley where we found a nice fog/mist layer encompassing most of the mountain. We were greeted to a few laps of sun but mostly flat-light for the day.


Moment Belafonte…why not?


Skier666, Obscure Reference, and Obscure’s buddy Adam…


666, Obscure

POV VIDEO – Subtle Slopes…

Music: Sub Focus – ‘Could this be Real’


Massive storm hit the region while I was away in the midwest. I decided to use my Squaw Pass, and skied more fogged-over moguls than powder but all in all a great day skiing with some bros.

Java Porn: Standard brew pickup via automobile…

Extremely Squaw Valley below:

I can tell today is going to be DEEP!

HWY 89 is open from the ghetto shore, time to take some pretty pictures…

Around Emerald Bay….

There she is….

Time to she what good ol’ Lake Tahoe is up to…

From California looking into Nevada…

Funny, my boat was there in September…did someone untie it?

Finally at Squaw but looks like the Fingers are getting frostbitten…

Time for the Obscure and 666 show milking as much as humanly possible…

Getting corked in corkscrew…

Bottle is now dry….

Back in Silverado, we jump off stuff…

Out of focus to FLAT!

The sun graciously appeared for our broken arrow lap…

Oh, such a tease..8 mins later, you couldn’t see the Gold Coast lift…

Took a long walk to get some heavy fresh…

Adam gets some powdery snow…

So does the 6’er…

666 is in there somewhere…

Adam told me that he loved skiing…

Obscure charges HARD…even when there is no apparent reason.

666 desperately tries for a faceshot…

Here he just wants you to see his face…

Adam finds a little slice of heaven…

Obscure follows his lead…

Over to the Nose…conditions get…variable….

Haha, this guy is ridiculously handsome….

And a final lap in Rockgarden….

Good Day!