Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘the Cirque’

Sensational Steep Skiing in Sunny Tahoe, California (KW, SQUAW, BC) – 02/16/10


February 11th-16th, 2010

Location: CALIFORNIA – a well run state

Weather: GLORIOUS SUNSHINE……and a few clouds.


Skier666, Zippy, Frush, CS, Jrosen32, Zippys buddy in a yellow coat

Photo Journalists:

666 and Zippy (with a brand new camera!!!!!)

POV VIDEO – View from my helmet on Thursday and Friday at Kirkwood.

Music: Jubei & Tyrone – ‘Tremor’


Ski Kirkwood for 4 days straight, one with the little guy, a day at SQUAW VALLEY EARTH, and end with a ski tour with Zippy up the Moon Crescent off of Roundtop.


The storms never materialized over South San Francisco….

…but Carson Pass was showing nipple deep of new

Heavenly’s ‘Gunbarrel’

Groomers were immaculate….

How about some slackcountry?

The Frush came to pick up his season pass…

…and to hit the Diagonal Chute (which I believe is Broadway)

We decide to go BEYOND THE GATES!!!!!

Yep…on our way to CALI CHUTES…

The Frush gets some….well….fresh.

Temple of Doom meets Frush…

This guy had my scent…



Zippy found some cold smoke in the lower Cirque…

Off to West Shore….

Zippy takes the first turn…

666 takes the second….

CS takes the 3rd…

Zippy takes the 4th…

CS had a good time…

Our little playground…

Zippy in the ice fall of Doomland..

666 searches for ice for his Dewars…

666 in Hells……

Zippy in Hells as wells’….

666 gets aggressive…

Zippy is an eagle…

666 follows his turd tracks….

Heh….same run…just lower on the mountain…

‘Once’ a day for Zippy…


Here, we found out that CS telemarks….if only we knew….

Zippy takes off above Ski School…

666 airs opposite of the CAVE….


The next day….JROSEN32 skiing….somewhere

Again…turnin’ back time indeed….

After daily boot alterations, Mrs.666 slays the groomers…..

First day on proper boots and bindings, the little guy gets pumped with his favorite drink….

His schmear is coming along….not bad for 19 months.


Maybe it should be called ‘Heavenly?’

An aerial tramway goes over this….just like Europe!

Did it freeze last night? ‘Nope.’ Then let’s ski KT first thing….why not? Zippy entertains…

His brother gets creative…

Jrosen32 looking hella xTreme on the Palisades….

And so he airs over ‘Extra’…..

…little bro follows older bro….

A lap of Granite Chief….yeah…really….what? You can’t tell?

Silverado? Why not?

Light Towers? Horrid snow….

Zippy’s buddy airs onto firm in Chronic II….

Zippy does the same…

Zippy picking the Nose….

…finds what he was looking for…


Token ‘we’re going backcountry skiing’ shot….

I think you can guess….

Binding POV…its the future

Zippy listening to hip hop….

Zippy listening to trance…

Zippy listening to metal…

666 listening to dnb….yep…I won.

Summit reached…we’re so rad.

Looking to the South…

…and to the Northern view of the Pacific Ocean…

Did I mention that the snow was horrendous on the way up?

Looks WAY better that it skied…

Zippy gets committed…

666 drops in….

Quad black diamond….

Yep, best snow found on the edges…

Zippy goes fall-line…

…making it look deep….

Biggest pole basket ever?

Bitch slappin’ rocks…..

666 exits the gnar…

And finds some rare-soft-mid-winter untracked…..

Good times…

Zippy is relaxed…..

Even better snow hidden near the base of Lake Winnemucca….

Its a scenic spot as well….

666 plays in the best snow of the day….

Zippy is standing IN THE MIDDLE OF A LAKE!

Zippy and I shake hands, feed our heel blisters, and I depart West.

Wasn’t I just skiing pow? Ahhhh…winter in CALIFORNIA.

All these cars and only one skied Moon Crescent? Heh….

Home sweet home…

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010 at 12:10 am