Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
Posts Tagged ‘vine’

Savoring Tahoe’s Last Lift Served @skialpine – 04/28/13

Last Lifts for Tahoe…


April 28, 2013

Location: Alpine Meadows, California

Weather: Bluebird with a chance of showers…

Riders: Skier666, unpossible, Kush, Arty50 & S.P.C

Photographers: Skier666

POV VIDEO Savoring Tahoe’s Last Lift Served @skialpine – 04/28/13

Savoring Tahoe’s Last Lift Served @skialpine – 04/28/13 from skier666 on Vimeo.

Music: Digital & Spirit – ‘Phantom Force’ (Fracture’s Astrophonica edit)

Java Porn: Its been too warm lately for hot drinks…


Well, this is it…the last day to ride a lift in Tahoe AND SKI DOWN. Alpine Meadows was the venue and it sure did not disappoint. It was an absolute gorgeous day of skiing in a partying atmosphere along with perfect Spring conditions to boot. Laps in Estelle Bowl, Keyhole, Nun’s, Sherwood Cliifs, Marhankan’s, etc were all more than entertaining. It may just have been the most fun I had all season.

Here’s to the 2013-14 season on being actually, well, SNOWY!


Safety first for sidewalk dining in SF…

Then again, its not totally a bad idea…

Pierce St in the Lower Haight in bloom…

Practicing 180’s on Sunday morning….

Sunny from Steiner St all the way to Tiburon…

North Beach enjoying fogless days…

The new wallpaper arrived…

Although Yoda and Luke had differing opinions…

Not a bad day for a run…


Unpossible dressed for success…

Alpine Shreadows shuts the lifts today…

Definitely a party-like atmosphere…

Wayne Wong and others came out in their finest threads….


Pretty stellar coverage up high on Idiots…

S.P.C was drooling over the bump lines…

Let’s do this already….

Arty50 is beyond stoked…

Ok, so Scott Chair in the distance is a tad burned out…

666 forced everyone to hike to Estelle Bowl….

Kush displaying his buffed quads….

Made it! Such a cute overhanging cornice….

Unpossible drops in…

And then charges through the corn….

S.P.C drops into the Gnar…

…and survives.

Kush blazes a left turn…

…and continues out to the bottom of the lake.

666 loves this area…

The snow was perfection…

A little shedding of speed here and there…

And before you know it, Kush and I are bashing gates on Kangaroo…

S.P.C was thirsty…thirsty for CORN SKIIN’

We then headed over to Pete’s Peril…

It was fun…but isn’t everything?

Headed to Gunner’s Knob…

S.P.C throws a spin…

666 jumps over rocks…

Sp.P.C picks a line in the Sisters…

I follow the skier’s right line…

…watch out for the holes!

We took a few Keyhole laps….

…and into the park.

A little hello to Sherwood Cliffs…

Summit of Keyhole was too damn fun…

Just had to be a bit careful…

S.P.C gets aggressive…

A little human train down Marhankan’s…

Almost taken out by their slough…

Watch out for that house bro…

Twin Peaks looking sexy…

Only an hour left till closing…

666 getting some brown pow…


The Boys go corn shreddin’…

S.P.C back in Sherwood Cliffs area…

All it takes is one DEEP pole plant and…


That’s one hell of a trick my friend…

Yep, he said he did it on purpose…

Meanwhile, just enough time for one more Keyhole lap…

666 lines up one last dumb run for Tahoe lift-served…

When being tall sucks…

‘Just pay attention that traverse track across the exit….haha’

Maybe Kirkwood should reopen…just a thought 😉